Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year Update

I am sorry that I have not updated in a while. I want to let you know that I have made it passed the first half of the course. WhoooHooo!!! The Christmas party was an emotional thing for a lot of us because we made it pass the critical phase. I am terribly sorry for those who did not make it. God has a purpose. I promise you. You guys are in my prayers including those who for one reason or another had to drop out. The courses are very intense. The term "accelerated program" is exactly what it means. An exam or two each week on what was learned a couple days ago and the new topics keep pouring in if you fail more than one topic you have to retest on all the topics at the end of the unit, yes, even the one's you already passed, with no multiple choice on it and no chance to breathe...Well, not literally not breathing, but you know what i mean.

Well, next week is the beginning of the second clinical rotation in a hospital. I am pretty excited about that, I get to administer IV's and inject medications. The last rotation was an exciting experience, It was in a nursing home. I had to change a lot of adult diapers.... but I did it joyfully that is nursing. I thought that changing an adult diaper would be similar to changing a baby's, boy was i wrong. HA!! On occasions we had to use hoyer lifts just to pull up their pants and place the patient on their chairs. But with every act I did for them I did joyfully and kept thinking that this person could be a relative or even myself when i get old. We need to treat others the way we want to be treated. I enjoyed talking to the patients hearing stories of when they were younger and laughing with them. It bothers me to see how many of the patients were abandoned by their children in these nursing homes...but that is another topic.

A New Year resolution, I pray to God that I can make it to graduation in about 5 and half months and pass my boards. Of course to find a job too. I read that alot of LPN's need about a year of work experience. I am trying so hard to do this. Nursing is my dream career and with the help of Jesus I know that I can do this. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Friday, October 16, 2009


I have not updated my blog for a while due to my new life demands as a PN student. As my first unit is coming to end, I am happy to announce that I just learned from my instructor of the location for my clinicals next week. I will be doing my first clinical assignment in a well known nursing home. Today, was my official last day for lab and I will begin to work with real patients next week. Whoo hoo, I am so darn excited about it all. Just to note, I have been doing really well in my classes and intensive exams. Thanks to God. I will be letting you guys know how it is going in my clinical assignment. Clinicals, here I come!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Update on my class status

Hey everyone, I have not signed in for a while due to all the work that this PN course requires. But, just to keep you updated. I have been studying hard. So far, I have a 90 average on all the quizes and still have more quizes coming up. It is intense but "bring it on". I am ready. LOL! wish me luck. I will keep you posted.

Monday, August 10, 2009

First LPN Class Homework

Oh my God. I just got the summer homework assignment. It seems like a lot when you look at it. But it is also do-able. There is human anatomy and physiology, biology, medical terminology and chemistry. I am very eager to complete this assignment. The first exam will be in two weeks. Well, I have to get to work if I want to pass. I will talk to you guys soon.Wish me luck.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Official Acceptance Letter

OMG....I just received my acceptance letter this past weekend. I am sooo excited. I am going through the process now to make arrangements for paying my tuition. The total including the board exams after completion comes out to about $10,000.00. which is not that bad compared to some of the other private schools that i also had applied to. Two of them in NJ. One was $22,000.00 and the other $18,000.00. I am a little nervous, as I don't really know what to expect in class. I just know that it is a very accelerated LPN program and I will not have time for anything else that is not studying.

Some of you guys have called me in regards to issues posting comments I will see if I can fix it so that you can post. Even if you don't or can't post comments thank you for being here. I know that some of you did not make it to my program I am very sorry, but know that where there is a will, there is a way and I promise if you let him God will lead you in the right direction. Some of you have decided to go to other schools and were accepted, congratulations to you. You know who you are.

I hope that I can help someone somehow by posting my experience here on becoming a nurse. I am sure that there will be times that I may want to cry or vent during the program or clinicals as I heard from students in my school that it happens a lot. I will keep you guys posted. Anyway, I need to take care of other things so that they don't interfere once class begins. I will go to one of my favorite websites to get some advice. I will keep you all posted after class begins. Class will begin in four weeks. I am so happy. Thank you Lord GOD. It would not have been possible without you. Please see me through to the end. Amen.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Testing page

testing page

Interview Phase

It has been about two weeks since my interview. It was among the hardest interviews that I have ever attended. The questions were not that difficult. They required some basic knowledge of what LPN's do etc... I am a little anxious due to the fact that they mentioned that they have to review my application and test scores with the committee before I will be invited to another interview. WOW. I had no idea that I needed to undergo more than one interview in order to be accepted into the school. I don't know what else to think, my test scores where high I think I answered all the interview questions correctly. Unless they did not like my response to their question of why I wanted to become an LPN, I think the process went well. I answered that question clearly and honestly. The hardest question for me was why did I not pursue nursing from the beginning. I answered very honestly. I hope they appreciated my honesty.